Homecare, what is it and how can we help?

What is Homecare and what do Caring Hands Cayman do? Caring Hands Cayman are the premier homecare organization on the Cayman Islands and the only Company in the Cayman Islands that provides Clinically led care to patients who are in need. The good news is that premium care doesn’t mean premium price. Caring Hands Cayman also work with most of the insurers in Cayman (including CINICO) and work across all sections of the community.
All of our Caregivers are qualified and experienced with a minimum of two years practical caregiving experience. Our Nursing management team has over 80 years of combined experience and all of our initial assessments are carried out by our qualified Nursing staff. Once an assessment has been completed, Caring Hands Cayman can then go onto provide World class quality care for those in need of it.
Caregiving is supportive care provided in the home of the client and can be round the clock care provided for very sick or infirm patients, to just a few hours care and assistance with daily living per day. Caring Hands Cayman helps adults, senior elderly patients, and pediatric clients who are recovering after a hospital or facility stay, or need additional support to remain safely at home and avoid unnecessary hospitalization stays. Treatment outcomes also suggest that there are better outcomes if patients are discharged to their own home with continued treatment provided by organizations like Caring Hands Cayman. We treat a wide variety of conditions, including diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke care, wound care, antibiotic infusions and many more treatment options.
For further information on what Caring Hands can do to assist you please get in touch via the links on the website (support@caringhandscayman.com).